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Microsoft 365 tenancy hardening

In today's digital age, companies are increasingly reliant on cloud-based services such as Microsoft 365 to run their operations. However, with this increased reliance on technology comes an increased risk of cyber attacks. To protect your business from these threats, it is important to properly harden your Microsoft 365 tenancy.

What is Tenancy Hardening?

Tenancy hardening refers to the process of securing your Microsoft 365 environment by implementing best practices and recommended configurations. This includes setting up security features such as multi-factor authentication, enabling security and compliance features, and monitoring for suspicious activity.

Why is Tenancy Hardening Important?

Without proper hardening, your Microsoft 365 environment may be vulnerable to a variety of cyber threats. For example, weak passwords or the lack of multi-factor authentication can make it easy for attackers to gain access to your data. Additionally, a lack of monitoring and logging can make it difficult to detect and respond to a security incident.

Implementing Best Practices for Tenancy Hardening

There are several best practices that you can implement to harden your Microsoft 365 tenancy:

Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all users. MFA requires users to provide two or more forms of identification before they can access their accounts. This greatly reduces the risk of account takeover.

Enable security and compliance features such as Azure Active Directory (AAD) and Exchange Online Protection (EOP). These features can help to detect and prevent threats such as phishing and malware.

Regularly review and monitor the security settings in your Microsoft 365 environment. This includes monitoring for suspicious activity and checking for misconfigurations that could leave your environment vulnerable to attack.

Configure a secure baseline policy and ensure that all devices meet the policy requirements. This can include enforcing device encryption, device management, and device registration.

Enable conditional access policies to ensure that only authorized users and devices are granted access to your environment.

By implementing these best practices, you can greatly reduce the risk of a security incident in your Microsoft 365 environment. However, it's important to note that tenancy hardening is an ongoing process and should be reviewed and updated regularly to stay ahead of the evolving threat landscape.

Securing your Microsoft 365 environment is essential to protecting your business from cyber threats. By implementing best practices for tenancy hardening, you can reduce the risk of a security incident and better protect your data and operations. Regularly reviewing and updating your security settings is also important to stay ahead of evolving threats.

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